Wednesday, April 27, 2011

who partake in No citizen boundaries

Introduction of green environmental protection organization , Nanchang University Nanchang University
green environmental teams in 1995 set up spontaneously systematized at students , immediately has a security union , Central Jiangxi college backbone of environmental conservation activities . The organization aims apt knit loving environment for a wide range The occasion of public conservation , reinforcing environmental conservation policy and public education, who partake in No citizen boundaries , environmental protection and home br> treatment of social organizations has been formed above a sectoral basis , the core features of the project , mainly the old and current members are approximately 300 or so. in the establishment of these years, has carried out numerous types of activities, primarily as university students Promote the conception of environmental protection , but also deep into the surrounding communities and some ecologically emotional zones, spirited and Jiangxi Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau , Jiangxi Province, Poyang Lake Authority apt collaborate ,toronto escort, escaping calls for the environmental report ,beijing massage, the nation has a certain affect, And other parts of Jiangxi Province and the nation sister communities and environmental agencies have established good communication and cooperation .
Second, the community structure
dismembered , the parts into a entire
liberty, fraternity It is
stable, united
III Project the position
1, Wetland Ambassador Action Project
2, Roots & Shoots environmental education procedure
3, green agreements , green Environmental Fashion Show
4, bird watching bird protection project
5, Recycle Project
6, Green Map project
7,the Chicago corporation PepsiCo Gatorade Blue Mountains in Virginia, Messenger of elected activities

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