Friday, April 22, 2011

merely too stealing Side floods

The forces of nature namely great , namely powerful, given person ecology no only her vibrant green prairie , vibrant blue sea , the land favor a dazzling pearl inland lakes , lush secret loveliness of these precious jungles Things , she also will give unimaginable human catastrophe ; both the drought led to thousands of miles ruddy world , but likewise embezzling Side torrents, either the Pentium howl of the avalanche , but likewise color of the volcanic position . volcanic emission , but an amazing calamity He breaks out , that is, disaster can range grass, always entities are unable to survive the gangster situation. today, people still remember those moments afterward the outbreak of volcanic lava and hot gases. Many people still memorize 2006, the volcano in the Andes After the outbreak , by least 5 human were annihilated and 13 harmed , five villages were buried along volcanic ash and peppery lava . Many people were left homeless , and to 1999, the volcano entered the vigorous phase, continues today. Pei-lei volcano (Mount Pelee) eruption of the 20th centenary is considered the maximum fatal volcano disaster, demanded 3 million lives. seeing with a DVD to Zune Converter transferred from , zune shade Shanghai Island dwellers terror a cigarette face and the terrible disaster Scene , no assist the pique of the maniacal by nature deeply overawed . Pei-lei plume of volcanic eruptions persisted for 11 days, the hot gas clouds and volcanic lava have the whole city Saint Pierre annihilation, in the city 28,000 dwellers , merely two people survived this catastrophe. Nature is undoubtedly a terrible pique , we got human nature have to disburse care to give her conservation, she tin not be over- evolution , and now always the world In arguing the problem is namely the greenhouse achieve , greenhouse effect not only the polar ice melt , ambition guide to eruption , the volcano in mandate to prevent the misadventure from occurring another Pei-lei , every human should strengthen awareness of environmental conservation , do not Infuriating nature .

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