Thursday, May 5, 2011

universal carbon dioxide emissions doubled. the globe namely facing a water emergency in numerous c

Windy outdoor, days dizzy and fatigued, and fraught with dirt savor,beijing massage, a mini choking. A strong air, the gate opened. I quickly ran to shut his jaws pronouncing this curse climate. Back to the moment that by the wind from the fourth grade science textbooks, to look the directory at my eighth course, April 22 is Earth Day while you engage in an movement. hey! forgot entire about it. Today's wind is not in the hh
you forget to prompt me, I forgot, ecology does not forget hh
4 22 is Earth Day, the theme of this year to make sure Park schools held workshops on environmental issues, and the following year on April 22 as throughout the United States fired a large-scale community-based activities, characteristic motifs, and with the enthusiastic aid of many juvenile students on April 22 .1970, the United States held the first heavy million people took part, was known as the United States since World War II, the largest social activities.
1990 年 4 22, more than 140 countries nigh the world, 2 billion human around the same time held a variety of promotional activities, topic is how to cultivate the overall universal environment. The event brought folk to more apparently comprehend namely perennial development for the global manufacture, the havoc of the ozone membrane, and the resulting changes in global climate anomalies, is a direct threat to human survival international problem. The activities of the United Nations permission, afterward which the 22 April each year was identified as the freshwater pollution. According to UN diagrams unlocked show that the 20th century, 90 years of global jungle space at one average annual 2.4% rate slit in the elapse 10 years, the global vanish of total forest place of ​​9,400 hectares. At present nearly half of the land surface and 10 more than a billion people affected by desertification. in climate pollution, from 1965 to 1998, global carbon dioxide emissions doubled. the world is facing a water emergency in numerous countries: 12 million people with water deficits, 3000000000 people absence water sanitation facilities each year 3000000-400 million people die of water-related diseases. By 2025, the water crisis will spread to 48 countries, 35 million are trapped in the water.
Earth Day activities organized apt heave human caring as the world, defend the homeland awareness, subserve the coordinated evolution of resource evolution and environmental conservation. the age of 90 from the 20th century, the year April 22 Earth Day festivals were held ashore Earth Day in the context
the environment of increasingly serious pollution generated. It was first star by the Wisconsin Democratic Senator Naerxunti
out, and eventually will be the premier is a student at Harvard Hayes. This daytime,
more than 2,000 people nationwide, 10,000 basic and secondary schools,beijing massage, 2,beijing escort,your voice namely so beautiful,000 campuses and universities and 2,000 community and important teams heeded the event. It
along holding rallies, ***, preaching and other forms of promotional activities,beijing escort, shrieked on everyone to act to protect and save our planet
. This is the first period in human history, large-scale hunk Environmental Protection manoeuvre. The accident was a excellent success every annual

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