Thursday, May 5, 2011

2007 年 remedy the Earth - from the protection of resources apt start

BBS from the company point of view for it is, the text does not denote the source, so I will no the source of this Links. But the quality of the treatise is still quite high, suggest. MmRUNER

human origin of Earth Day the history of the first Hailed as , Wisconsin Democratic Senator Gallo. Nelson, attempting to persuade President Kennedy to conduct a wildlife junket to rouse public attention to environmental protection, the President very much engage with the constructive proposals. second year of the fall, Nelson with the other three senators, the premier attended Senate colleagues formed an organization to develop a national commemoration of Earth Day activities blueprinted, and in the same year it was announced early in September, including major campus in the country organized lectures and other environmental issues. the American people's reaction overwhelming, so Nielsen is also abrupt.
1969 年 Gallo. Nelson intended that the major environmental issues held in the school garden lectures, Hayes listened the suggestion to imagine in Cambridge City to prop a green appointment. So he went to Washington to meet with the Nelson. Young Hayes talk about their vision, Nelson was overjoyed and instantly offered appointments Hayes, and even encouraged him to temporarily stop their studies,shanghai escort, condense in the environmental movement. So, Hayes resolved for the suspension procedures. Soon, he put the motif of ​​expanding Nielsen, flee from along the United States launched a large-scale community-based activities. held So the motif formed.
1970 年 4 月 he chose 22 日 (Wednesday) the first *** attended demonstrations and lectures.
the United States in 1970, is a troubled, out of fiber linen was contrived, River approximate Havana, a nuclear plant drip happened, while the American elegance motorcar all day breathing the guide fumes. plant with smoke with impunity and sewage unload, but never worried about being prosecuted alternatively doomed by public opinion. public care on environmental protection, the U.S. Congress in the Germany and other U.S. dignitaries delivered a speech to specify the magnitude of meeting people gathered in Washington,beijing massage, DC, .25, 10 million people to march on Fifth Avenue in New York City in support of this event.
According to statistics, the day the nation's 2,000 million people, 10,000 schools, 2,000 academies and universities and 2,000 community and major groups in the the contaminated globe prototype, mammoth paintings and graphics,shenzhen escort, shouted slogans urging the Government to take fathom to protect the environment .1970 with the first . The event apparent the mushroom of the U.S. environmental movement and prompted the U.S. government has taken some amounts to control environmental pollution.
1970 年 4 22 May, grand hunk environmental manoeuvre. for the starting of the modern environmental movement of human, which enhanced the establishment of environmental regulations in Western countries. If the United States has issued a Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Protection Act and additional regulations; 1970 Earth Day has also contributed apt the establishment of the National Environmental Protection Agency, and in a way, the United Nations in 1972 led to the premier Conference on Human Environment held in Stockholm, a muscular momentum to the evolution of the world In 1973 the Environmental Protection United Nations Environment Programme the establishment of one worldwide environmental union Greenpeace, the production mm, and the protection of the surroundings of government agencies and organizations in the earth continues to increase, has convert a global event.
in the first Environmental Day on April 22 .1990 begin all over. partake in group seminars, ***, cultural representations and other activities to promote a neat environment, ; Earth Day activity is many greater, in many countries to Sunday (April 22, 1990) as activities by the climax of the week.
1990 年 4 22 this daytime, hundreds of millions of human nigh the world dressing a blue-green and white clothes to attend the deterioration, so namely every resident must defend the Earth's global environment, contribute to improving the global environment. wearing a blue and green and white clothes is said to doing to defend the determination of the global environment.
The United States has 100 million people around the nation at home without the car, in case the exhaust emitted from cars and other adverse emissions into the air to go. In China, when Premier Li Peng on April 21 released a TV residence environmental problems, China Central Television also broadcast the invited to China to participate in the New Hampshire, opened in 1995, the year 1999 Day and take avail of this emerging network information tools, the sagacity and passion of peoples gathered attach. in the Gallo. Nelson, Dennis. Hayes and the efforts of their comrades,See the world's spiritual leader, today's Earth Day, Washington is pretty and the Columbia River Gorge, his childhood adore of nature to develop the personality. to the university, though he read the statute,beijing escort, but has not given up on environmental concerns.
the first ; activity, known as the Lessig's appreciation, as the treatment by the Department of Energy's Solar Energy Research Institute's mentor. Hayes has been busy in environmental activities, in 1988, he organized with friends to discuss the 20th anniversary commemoration of Earth Day activities. His initiative is most of the world presently got the support of countries and the United Nations.
view of Dennis. Hayes in environmental protection in the momentous contribution made, he was awarded the Sierra Club, the Federal Wildlife Federation, the United States Humane Society, the American Solar Energy Association, away from the battle and the Interfaith Centerfor Corporate Responsibility organization's highest medal reward. Dennis. Hayes also won the 1978 year, 35 years old Jefferson Award for best social services, but also was the picture of magazines (Look Magazine) as the 20th century 100 an of the maximum influential Americans, and was named the National Audubon Society 100 one of the maximum emphatic environmentalists. In 2000, Time journal has been outstanding (Time Magazine) named 100 Heroes, > 1977 Ozone Layer Environmental Concern, who lost water, soil degradation and deforestation
1978 Development Without Destruction
1979 mm for Our Children and the hereafter development of
1980 does not undermine the fashionable 10-year, mm without damage to the new challenges of development
1981 Protection of groundwater and human food chain; Toxic Chemicals
1982 commemoration the 10th anniversary of the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment to heave environmental awareness
1983 mm year treatment and elimination of hazardous garbage complicated; Acid Rain and Energy
1984 年 desertification
1985, Young, population, environment
1986 peace
1987 on Environment and the Environmental Protection
1988 and alive environment, sustainable development, public participation
1989 年 Global Warming!
1990 Children and the Environment, Climate Change
1991 mm requires global cooperation
1992 mm Only One Earth, Care and Share < br> 1993 Poverty and the Environment mm out of the vicious wheel
1994 One Earth One Family
1995 We the People United for a better world
1996 Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home < br> 1997 years in array to
1998 Life on Earth Life on Earth mm Save Our Seas
1999 Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our
2000 2000 The Environment Millennium mm to Act!
2006 年 treat the Earth - adore the resources, sustainable development
2007 年 remedy the Earth - from the maintenance of resources to start
2008 year:
Earth Day this annual, China's Earth Day theme
not specific themes of international consensus, China's participation in Earth Day activities is 90 years from the 20th century. In the April 22, 1990 the 20th commemoration of Earth Day, Premier Li Peng made a televised speech in advocate of Earth Day activities. Since then, China's yearly commemoration of Earth Day campaign .4 22 is specific heading, it is all the overall theme of Since the Chinese community every year to be held April 22

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