Thursday, May 5, 2011

some areas may too suddenly chance quite chilly.

Temperatures continue to rise, the Earth will be like
temperatures proceed to rise, the Earth will be like
Source: 20 years will reach the temperature of the Earth's ecological warning level 2 ℃. This will outcome in social evolution and many other appearances of people history catastrophic consequences. scientists thousands of technological papers in the study were detailed to narrate our system warming the Earth will face calamity.
temperature rise 1 ℃,shanghai massage, the United States become desert
granary southern United States a great barn in the United States, if the global temperature rise 1 ℃, then, the United States the ; will transform a desert, which will extract the district human. Today the world's hottest Sahara may chance rainy up the Alps sleet will entire thaw. Australia's Great Barrier Reef coral will entire dead. < br> temperature rises 2 ℃, 1 / 3 of the factories and animals die temperature rises
2 ℃, the earth would be a large area of ​​crop failures, depleting water resources, rampant ailments, rising sea levels and other consequences. Greenland ice will completely melt, production the rise in global sea level 7 meters .1 / 3 of the plant and animal species become extinct because of climate change and water absences in the 100 million people are at the same time,beijing massage, most of the world's coral will die .. < br> temperature rises 3 ℃, the climate completely out of control
3 ℃ temperature rise is a important planet could not longer contained in the earth's temperature changes. maritime propagation will stop, the earth's climate will become quite erratic, some areas may likewise suddenly become very chilly.
temperatures 4 ℃, human budgets firm < br> temperature rose 4 ℃, for most parts of the earth is a disaster. At this point, all the Arctic ice will all disappear into a extensive sea of ​​the Arctic, polar bears and other animals alive in cold environments will total extinction. Antarctic ice sheet will also be greatly affected, the West Antarctic ice canvas with the mainland areas from the last sea-level rise, coastal areas so that the world once another swallowed by the sea.
temperatures 5 ℃ - 6 ℃, 95% of species extinction if global temperatures rise
5 ℃ to 6 ℃, green broad-leaved jungle will procreate the Canadian Arctic, the Antarctic hinterland will have a similar scenario. However,shanghai escort, for maximum of the land was dipped, plants and animals can not adjust to the new environment, so there will be 95% of species extinction, the Earth faces a prehistoric hunk extinctions with the same tragedy.
the prologue of the Copenhagen air change conference aboard the occasion, the European countries broke *** demonstrations. Britain, Germany, France, and additional people via demonstrations, made at developed countries have to commit to achieving by 2050 a large-scale greenhouse gas eruption decrement targets and other requirements in mandate to express their concerns approximately climate change. In the face of climate change as a huge issue,beijing escort, No 1 can stay out. In fact, numerous people around us are consciously or unconsciously changing their own lives, Selected other articles do not see the good words, meditative in the identified enough. Since reading this article, I shook.
all accustom the space to see my cousin Anita, full of green words in the article, always disagree, and sometimes even feel the little girl over-worried, but build up rumors, hear to friends talking about ;, I casually queried the sentence: so in adore go to Iceland ah. JO A: Iceland to fade. then I was afterward with the Baidu of the This is not rumor, neither is it alarmist.
I was MJ's fans, that work to the theater saw The purpose of this concert, he is not to flaunt themselves, and not well-known because his masterly achievements and reflect the amount of the concert's theme namely said a word, I still remember in my heart profoundly, to be implemented in this path to people's lives go. Now I do not muse namely equitable a slogan to enhance environmental conservation, if namely equipment will not let others treatises tin be infected everyone around me, I wish know the harsh environment of the globe for everyone,as our planet, enhance , caring for the earth.

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