Thursday, May 5, 2011

a relationship with your thoughts. Your kind-hearted

Phoenix: Dongfeng Huayu save the planet - Master

explanation dialogue clearance:

our planet, is now filled with problems and crises!

Venerable Master: < br>
a century before, this ought be the Dr. Tang Enbi, he speaks well, he said that solving the social problems the twenty-first century,beijing escort, only the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius in China with the Mahayana Buddhism.

Commentary :

Buddhist priest Venerable Master, the timeless current Buddhism, endow to the hereafter of mankind magnificent wisdom, profession mankind infrequent and splendid concern of our home.


When humans into 2010, earthquakes, floods, volcanic ash, dust storms, frequent disasters is especially vulnerable life, a few months, the universal number of deaths deserving to natural disasters has more than 20 million, end of the world, Buddhism tells about, Sakyamuni Buddha is the shipment of twelve thousand years. Then after the decease of Shakyamuni Buddha to the present, foreigners they are talking about two thousand five hundred years, but recorded in the Chinese sages, should be is thirty thousand years. which million 2 thousand years, still early! back at fewest eight thousand years to 9 years for such a long time. Therefore, the > But the scourge of this world, or the long-term stability of these fluctuations is yes. periodically very bad, sometimes very prosperous! this is no problem! then ascend and fall of it, it has a relationship with the cause and effect. If you live in the earth the people are able to Duane rehabilitated, it prospered; if it is made evil industry, it will ebb the. So I talked about Buddhism, its conviction is very uncomplicated, we are a person's appearance, physical and health status, a relationship with your thoughts. Your kind-hearted, and that is very kind face, good body; If the heart line properly, it is very malign face, the body is sick. This is the talk of the .

as a token, it is in our thoughts rotate with. We do not believe that these substances, it is not life, it is ignorance, it would be wrong! flowers and trees, to know; minerals with know. So the years, hard to come by in Japan that Dr. Jiang Bensheng to do water testing, water is the minerals, water proof watch, it will look, it will listen to, it knows the thoughts. He has done a second, three years and do it successfully, I told he was resting. From this point on to certify that oral by the Mahayana, and all things are, see, smell, feel, know, spiritual with the material will never detach, mental, There must be material.

but some matter namely hidden, in the Dharma called not, you tin not say he did not imagine truly! This color is cried no Table color. color, it is with the spirit forever. namely spirit, namely is thoughts, our concerns, these things, entire the material has, accordingly, our thoughts tin influence it. If our thoughts are agreeable thoughts, always agreeable ideas, mountains and creeks of the globe anything ambition be nice, ambition be quite elated, do not there ambition be calamity. So today a lot of speak about the globe is a disaster, you must inquire Buddha,Shaoxing opera originated in Shanghai, the Dharma that can naturally change, to put it back apt customary.

our China, you see thousands, million years ago our ancestors Tell us: people are basically good. Therefore, the the world, what a disaster will not have ah!

this world is very rich in material resources, inexhaustible, realized out of bounty. that we are a wrong idea, that idea was slew Pirates of the jump prostitution is sex and violence, and that this matter are in trouble! all substances which are divided, science now admits the fact. Scientists believe that all of these chemical units, the most elementary basic particles are realized. basic how to mingle ? how to change? who mandated it? Who is manipulating it? our ideas, our thoughts. peruse so good, not as bad. the Western Pure Land Buddhist teachings and what is the feud in our world? no difference. is that it all the inhabitants of that place good thoughts, no hatred, no bad action.

that our society today, you see, you look at all levels of his idea? he read what? He said What? What is he act? are penniless. So this period is inverse to the tongue, killing, pilfering, sexual misconduct, lying, Liangshe, that are doing these things. my heart is full of Six Primary Afflictions slow, which put marring the world.

see through that? to really know the truth, called see through, really understand, really understand.

down What is it? put down your equitable like nature, fused into one with the macrocosm, and that inside there are really endless wisdom, endless Germany can, immeasurable good friend, that point is not fake.

Buddhism as you touch it, it took The highest principle, the principle of narrating you, both take your time to learn, which is slowly down. put down the more closer you are to Nature. Self inside the infinite treasures of wisdom, is gradually revealed them all, and this is your own true nature. So do all alive beings, the same does not disagree from. Buddhas have, we also have. Then why does not work? We are paranoid, respectively, persistent barriers to live. Just put down this barrier, obstacle No, the heart is on, really! what problems can be solved. So in Buddhism stresses inside the control to the planet. this galaxy has a scampering relationship with our thoughts, it is said in Buddhism. So, to resolve a disaster, eliminating the disaster, talked in Buddhism is absolutely possible.

Commentary: < br>
the face of nature, human beings since ancient times, two different attitudes: one is the fear of reverence, one is everything becomes possible. Early in the Qin era of competing, one of the representatives of Confucian Xunzi intended But in ancient China, this idea has not transform fashion. two thousand years, the Chinese have believed in Confucius holding the reverence of nature. only to China, > Venerable Master:

this folk absence to to perch down, not you cranky. cranky, you can not change the surroundings. you change the environment, environment to revenge against you. Today, I am sorry indeed scientific development of the Earth, the Earth balance all demolished, and that immediately was retaliate. in the end Look, you conquer, alternatively the ecology wins.

which in Mahayana Buddhism, which view is that the entire universe is one with himself. that we love every chapter of the body, lay a finger on all care, a cell in care. that the whole earth is our own mountains and rivers of differ cells, how could he not care! So, Buddhist says, people talk about love, inside love, have feelings. that this sympathy and love for wisdom, wisdom back him. the wisdom of love is pity, feelings of compassion, that is love, this place is assorted. So he loves himself, loves family , love family,shanghai escort, love of community, love of country, love humanity, love of trees, flowers, love mountains and rivers of the earth, love the whole universe, this is a satisfactory environment. He loved it, how could he ache it! will not ache it, love it, respect it, understand it, but simply asked to communicate with each other.

So today we want to retention the planet, this is a urgent issue. I visited in Australia this year, the 5 religions: Catholicism, Christianity, Islam with The Judaism. In the elapse I visited these people, not mentioned the disaster problem, not the subject. But this adjoin, they take the initiative first to ask a question, ask me: Buddhist views on how this matter? what usages to handle with ? ask me this question, so we feel this is the current very serious problem. then how to solve it? religious solidarity, inflate the religious teaching. religious teaching momentous than religious, is it remove to the prestigious, made myself explicit. each religionnaturally this is not a religious clash, religious misconceiving likewise certainly determined. Therefore, religious unity is to save the society a good direction to retention the planet


Venerable Master, Xu Hong generic industry has to follow the generation of large Zhe Mr. Fang Dongmei, main of Tibetan monks Kangchenjunga, and Lee Ben-nan old Buddhist lay people, thirteen years studying Buddhism. cooked through Buddhist sects by the methodology, in particular, Pure Land Buddhism, converge on the maximum completions and most gorgeous. made Buddhism is the philosophy in Taiwan, with Professor Fang Dongmei, this is a great present-day philosopher, I told him to study philosophy. He told me Introduction to Philosophy, the final unit of Buddhist philosophy. because we used to think religion is superstition, so Without this idea to reach out to religion, so it is inexperienced.

then look at the exterior of these religions, it should not be encouraged, it is really engaged in the superstition, he said no out what a logic. Therefore, the parties Buddhist philosophy preceptor told me afterward, I realized, when he was introduced to me, how can he say? it is his, he said, is the philosophy of Buddhism, Sakyamuni Buddha is the world's greatest philosophers. I've never heard of people talked about: Buddhist philosophy is the highest peak in the world philosophy, Buddhism is the highest enjoyment of life. Learning to learn takes a Confucius and Mencius, Confucianism, like, you will ease, there are holes Meng (realm) to music by; do you study Buddhism, as follows the Buddha Sakyamuni, and that law is full of ah-hi; you learn to aisle, reserve up, like Lao. you really capable, to the kind of state, that fun ah!

that you are trying to study it as one theoretical, life is not a relationship with you, then this is called academic. This is the kind of academic learning. Buddhism, .

Dr. Tang Enbi, he is the study of history. The people we appreciate, in the History At home, he is also the first person to set a precedent, he engaged in cultural history. So, this way he was in China traditional culture has a deep comprehending. He said the four ancient cultures in the world, three are gone, except China also persist to exist, why? he really found it, he said, people may focus on family education in China, this are good if a mini bit.

China's pedagogy begins at home, the family roots education. that family education about? is ethical, moral, occasion and effect. is to teach this material. Since while does teaching ? productive, prenatal care, the Chinese thousands of years antecedent is favor that. From birth he opened his eyes to look, he would hear to, has been imitated, in the study. Therefore, education is rooted in China for three years, a thousand days, that is from birth to three years old. This thousand days when the deep-rooted. So, parents, adults have the representation to his label the touch, not negative, negative, he goes bad. three years he hear, see, All contacts are assured, this rooted steady. So, a word of ancient Chinese proverb says, long-term stability, it has its reason,beijing massage, its educational nice! progenitors talk the words,


Chinese orthodox mores in the harvesting community, about harmony, accenting cooperation, Chong Shangjing days of terror, the love of nature. However, since human creatures into the industrial old, the Western countries to chase stimulate the making of .

Venerable Master:

category because of the Americans, even Americans themselves know thatin the future, when a major disaster, the first destruction of the United States. You say that This is heaven to the inhabitants of the earth to be a warning, serious warning: either go back, is it true.

behind it there is a documentary I saw on the network four documentaries Many of these people are talking about this issue, some say this is not authentic, black hole, the black hole's gravity great, this we all know, even light is sucked. when it affects the union of the sun, sunspots, solar storms will guide to its most intense when solar storms to affect the Earth. what impress the magnetic field, all of our satellites, all of which may be destroyed in this storm out, destroy all the satellites. It is the most bothersome thing, it can cause a volcanic eruption on Earth. volcanic eruption to cause tsunamis, the disaster on the larger. You see the volcanic eruption in Iceland, it affects many countries, climate traffic had stopped.

Yellowstone National Park if the United States if the explosion that up,shanghai massage, that big trouble! Yellowstone National Park is an active volcano, the zone the size of Tokyo, Japan, a large area, this one after the eruption, the western United States more than a dozen states that are not, then it is a major disaster. the eastward United States also fear this thing, at last, it is by inches the east is the West Africa there is an archipelago that is the spirited volcano. This should be in thirty or forty years ago, scientists to consult the issue. If the volcanic emission, because it is there in the sea Well, when it crashed down the mountain to the sea which will go opinions down to the sea which triggered a tsunami that is waves. They estimate that scientists estimate there are about 1,000 feet high, I think it was feet, it is not got ah, that about 300 meters. such a big wave, if it is from Africa to the U.S. East Coast, eight hours. He thought one hour five hundred kilometers, then it toward the U.S., the big waves will be reduced, at least 60 meters. there is such a wave 60 meters toward the Asian United States, from New York to Florida are all over, they know this. Science is no way to solve this problem today.

Therefore, it is the problem, ah, too many problems! I lived in the U.S. ten years, I know them, and made industry anyhow! If you do not look back to go this way and that is someone that is really 2012, not a bit disloyal.


Buddhist deep grant the expansion of the person appetite to know the hideous consequences of the desire to restrict demands to a minimum, promote thrift and fortunate. by the time the control material things, and cherish the natural resources, we can survive aboard Earth.

human If you learn from the wisdom of Buddhism, purification of the mind, Ci Beixi homes, a standing ovation the earth, our home will regain its loveliness.

Venerable Master:

if Shaoyu contentment, this will be lusty and prosperous country, this nation will be settled. Therefore, the Chinese ancestors do is absolutely correct, as people thrifty, have to not be consumed. frugal, do not deserve not to yield to the temptation.

is speaking, We Buddhists know what kind of tools you use to occupy, illegal means to get to, are you in there life. your life there, why use it method it! You do not have the manner it will come, come just a few years later. You are just a few years earlier, but you made this bad karma cause and effect you want to take liability. So, Japanese, Chinese does not belong to him, he would come to attack, playing for 8 years is not to surrender you! This is not your thing! where is your life, naturally ownership belongs to you; life in not for you, how are robbed not catch. I think this information with good!

people to really believe in cause, believe in destiny, the looting, unreasonable, illegal these thoughts, naturally relieved. It is manufacturing industry, it is absolutely noxious to myself.

are also arrogant, too arrogant , calculate they have the aptitude to change. is really the aptitude to change, but they thought wrong. misdeed, all changes are to the negative, prefer than to the positive, the huge problem. So, our ancestors, even our ancestors is the same contention. our ancestors have not met with the Buddha, in ancient periods, inconvenient, there is no way to transfer message, you see one in India, one in chief China, how to say the same meaning!
< br> in an word it is to go educating, carried forward, peace and harmony, long-term stability.

really say that today's society the unrest, including natural disasters, if you really competent to accept the educations of ancient sages, and I trust that China's social stability, a annual can do; world peace can do for 3 years.

1. a tiger equitable your mouth

Darwin's theory is too long, do not say it! But on this theory, I must mention that my knowing is namely the evolution of animals too have their own subjective effects,shanghai massage, and do not know the aged tin not be thought in Darwin's theory I still must count the mini punks in the head.
1. a tiger just your jaws, its claws indented beneath the turtle went to his head, it would be a reflex immediately! based ashore Darwin's methodology, do no indent to the turtles head ambition gradually be eradicated.
2. a group of wildebeest lion in mandate to avert running track and struggling, and some horses can not run a edge or angle than the other horses Paode Man, and finally Only caught the lions, a lion's repast. age wildebeest fact that teaching will take the small angle nag,
3. the 2 tribes of prehistoric people in the contest, who won a good speak can rule the additional tribes, the results of a tribe out of a man, and said: for we simply concession to forget, but also less dead brothers. After all, humans and animals is not the same,shanghai escort, people periodically can not survive as faint as the turtle can not flee the same as the wildebeest. people are spared from the moment can not run away I, ah! Besides, you run to lose survival of the land, there will be no reputation to survive.
However,beijing escort, the complexity of human society distant extra than the beast world, or else the beast rule mankind. But it namely precisely for the human complex apt some folk select to like
ancients said: not long and short term, he must anxiety about. tortoises do not must have long and short term, because there is a tortoiseshell, yet if you run into a wrong guy, a tortoiseshell is useless. wildebeest do not must have long and short term, because sprint, merely if Paode Man was to dead,shanghai escort, it will flee fast with their feet to give the Lions a Paode Man's. people? people to survive, will must learn always the survival skills of these countries.
In fact, some people depend on while the turtle does dawdle, but not the mainstream.
but the best live lion or the tiger. because the tigers and lions in counting to live well further there is a dignity,fair wish he loves you extra than I adore you hh juswishpe he agreeable hh, you say? < br>

while older

Acid and alkaline gap is very small, poor .001 might be a problem. The regular blood pH, 7.4, gout patients the blood pH value 7.399, customary and disease merely a skinny 0.001. < br> Diabetes is high sugar, blood acidic, because of blood fats (triglycerides, TG) high. the blood pH value of 7.2 the following is not a chronic illness that is after cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) after the patient's blood, near to the corner of death.
blood pH worth 7.4 for slightly alkaline among baby blood pH value of approximately 7.2, water pH value of 7.0 is independent. human who To Kin Kin, we must training more, eat more alkaline food, which is why we are vegetarian, eat more fruits and vegetables the biggest reason.
the importance of pH
a normal situation, the blood is alkaline (pH = 7.4), the waste exclusion, immune system and the biochemical effects of the best.
Second, eating acidic foods will increase the liver, kidney burden, waste precluded poor accumulate in interior apparatuses, joints, sticky was ranking. brandy, and more acid.
three, primarily malignancy, cancer patients, have to dine 100% of the basic edible, mushroom bone hunk, more detoxification.
how to determine the pH of the food?
acidic and alkaline food is no decided by the feeling of the tongue is flaming from the body afterward absorption of food residual substances to the decision to eat fruits and vegetables for the remaining substances potassium, iron, magnesium and additional alkaline (plant); meat remnants of the stuff for the phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, and additional more acidic.
food that is acidic?
a low acid food: plums, butter, emulsion, fuel.
Second, in the acidic food : barley, corn, lentils, oats, peanuts, rice, wheat, walnuts, cheese.
three, high-acid foods: bacon, sausage, beef, chicken, crab, fish, ham, lamb, liver, lobster, oysters . animals died, the meat operation without oxygen, so were tested acidic. However, even live animals, meat or acidic.
(1) meat and animal protein, 98% to 99% of acidic,guangzhou massage, accessible reason cancer a juvenile male have the ability to counteract acid, when older, the sum of exercise and rebate in blood and acid is not simple to remove, it is easy to get sick.
(2) ruddy mutton, white beef embody cholesterol, but more than ruddy flesh white meat saturated fats.
(3) protein intake ought comesintoseffect our factory, extra like animal protein such acid.
(4) is the acid eat meat and add acid incredible! fatal .
those are basic food?
a cheap alkaline food: apples,beijing massage, blueberries, pears, strawberries, watermelon, beans, cauliflower, onions, green peppers, radishes, asparagus.
Second,shanghai massage, the Alkaline food: bananas, cantaloupe, cherries, dates, lemon, mango, oranges, peaches, persimmons, pineapple, orange, carrot, celery, cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, potatoes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, tomatoes. cancer patients can not eat rice, bread, because it is acidic; to eat alkaline sweet potatoes, potatoes, pumpkin.
three, high-alkaline foods: dried figs, raisins, olives, sugar beets, dried longan.
vegetables and fruits are mostly alkaline foods, plant 98% apt 99% as basic,life is, in increase to plums, virtually entire fruits are alkaline.
while we eat, to eat basic material properties,shanghai massage, For sample, eat lettuce, vegetables alternatively fruit that it accounted for 60% of the capacity of the abdomen, then eat, cake, beans.

International Women's Day 3 8 March

January 1 New Year's Day vacation Laba Festival eighth day of the twelfth lunar month
Lunar New Year Lantern Festival, the premier lunar month lunar month started fifth day
Valentine's Day February 14 studying from Lei Feng Day March 5
International Women's Day 3 8 March
Arbor Day March 12 World Consumer Rights Day March 15 World Meteorological Day on March 23
Safety Education Day March 31 April 1 April Fool's Day
4 Ching Ming Festival World Health Day, April 5,shanghai massage, April 7
Earth Day April 22 International Labour Day 1 May Youth Day 4 May
World Red Cross Day on May 8 Mother's Day 5
8 March International Nurses Day May 12
International Day of Families May 15 International Telecommunications Day May 17
National Disabled Day on May 19th lunar month, the Dragon Boat Festival International Children's Day at five
June 1st World Environmental Day on June 5
National Sight Day 6 June Father's Day June 19
National Land Day 25 June International Day against Drug Abuse June 26
construction Party on July 1 handover date of 1 July
anniversary of the Chinese People's War July 7th World Population Day July 11
August 1 Army Day International Literacy Day September 8
International Federation of Journalists Solidarity Day on September 8 Chinese Teacher's Day September 10
National Love Teeth Day September 20 World Tourism Day September 27 International Day of the Deaf
September 28 National Day Day 1 October
International Music Festival Mid-Autumn Festival on October first lunar August 15
World Post Day on October 9th World Standards Day on October 14
World Food Day October 16 United Nations at 10 月 24
Double Ninth Chung Yeung Festival lunar
November 1 All Saints International Student Festival November 17 Thanksgiving Day November 27
International Volunteer Day December 5 Christmas February 25 Date
New Year's Day [01/01] Laba Festival [eighth daytime of lunar month]
World Wetlands Day [02/02] World Meteorological Day [02/10 ] Valentine's Day [02/14]
New Year's Eve [December Lunar] New Year [first lunar month] Lantern [Lunar New Year]
National Ear Care Day [03 / 03] Women's [03/08] Arbor Day [03/12]
International Police Day [03/14] International Consumer Day [03/15] World Forest Day [03/21]
World Water Day [ ,],[]
Earth Day [04/22]
International Labour Day [05/01] China Youth [05/04] National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Day [05/05]
World Red Cross Day [05/08] International Nurses Day [05/12] International Family Day [05/15]
World Telecommunication Day [05/17] International Museum Day [05/18] National Disabled Day [05 / 19]
National Student Nutrition Day [05/20] International Day because Biological Diversity [05/22] International Day [05/23]
World No Tobacco Day [05/31] Dragon Boat Festival [Lunar New Year in early May V] Mother's Day [second Sunday]
International Children's Day [06/01] World Environment Day [06/05] at the National Eye [06/06]
Dragon Boat Festival [ ,],. Philosophy and Social Sciences,toronto escorts,[> July:
Reunification Day [07/01] Valentines Day [Lunar July seventh day] Party at [07/01]
the anniversary of the Chinese People's War [07/07] World Population Day [ ,toronto escorts,],[,],[,],[Disaster Day [10/02]
World Animal Day [10/04] International Housing Day [10/07] National Hypertension Day [10/08]
World Sight Day [10/08] World Post Day [ ,],shanghai massage,[/ 22] United Nations Day [10/24] Halloween [10/31]
Chinese correspondents at [11/08] Fire Awareness Day [11/09] World Diabetes Day [11/14]
International Student Festival [11/17] Thanksgiving [11/28]
Winter Solstice Festival [Lunar December 22] World AIDS Day [12/01] World Day of Disabled Persons [ ,],[

some areas may too suddenly chance quite chilly.

Temperatures continue to rise, the Earth will be like
temperatures proceed to rise, the Earth will be like
Source: 20 years will reach the temperature of the Earth's ecological warning level 2 ℃. This will outcome in social evolution and many other appearances of people history catastrophic consequences. scientists thousands of technological papers in the study were detailed to narrate our system warming the Earth will face calamity.
temperature rise 1 ℃,shanghai massage, the United States become desert
granary southern United States a great barn in the United States, if the global temperature rise 1 ℃, then, the United States the ; will transform a desert, which will extract the district human. Today the world's hottest Sahara may chance rainy up the Alps sleet will entire thaw. Australia's Great Barrier Reef coral will entire dead. < br> temperature rises 2 ℃, 1 / 3 of the factories and animals die temperature rises
2 ℃, the earth would be a large area of ​​crop failures, depleting water resources, rampant ailments, rising sea levels and other consequences. Greenland ice will completely melt, production the rise in global sea level 7 meters .1 / 3 of the plant and animal species become extinct because of climate change and water absences in the 100 million people are at the same time,beijing massage, most of the world's coral will die .. < br> temperature rises 3 ℃, the climate completely out of control
3 ℃ temperature rise is a important planet could not longer contained in the earth's temperature changes. maritime propagation will stop, the earth's climate will become quite erratic, some areas may likewise suddenly become very chilly.
temperatures 4 ℃, human budgets firm < br> temperature rose 4 ℃, for most parts of the earth is a disaster. At this point, all the Arctic ice will all disappear into a extensive sea of ​​the Arctic, polar bears and other animals alive in cold environments will total extinction. Antarctic ice sheet will also be greatly affected, the West Antarctic ice canvas with the mainland areas from the last sea-level rise, coastal areas so that the world once another swallowed by the sea.
temperatures 5 ℃ - 6 ℃, 95% of species extinction if global temperatures rise
5 ℃ to 6 ℃, green broad-leaved jungle will procreate the Canadian Arctic, the Antarctic hinterland will have a similar scenario. However,shanghai escort, for maximum of the land was dipped, plants and animals can not adjust to the new environment, so there will be 95% of species extinction, the Earth faces a prehistoric hunk extinctions with the same tragedy.
the prologue of the Copenhagen air change conference aboard the occasion, the European countries broke *** demonstrations. Britain, Germany, France, and additional people via demonstrations, made at developed countries have to commit to achieving by 2050 a large-scale greenhouse gas eruption decrement targets and other requirements in mandate to express their concerns approximately climate change. In the face of climate change as a huge issue,beijing escort, No 1 can stay out. In fact, numerous people around us are consciously or unconsciously changing their own lives, Selected other articles do not see the good words, meditative in the identified enough. Since reading this article, I shook.
all accustom the space to see my cousin Anita, full of green words in the article, always disagree, and sometimes even feel the little girl over-worried, but build up rumors, hear to friends talking about ;, I casually queried the sentence: so in adore go to Iceland ah. JO A: Iceland to fade. then I was afterward with the Baidu of the This is not rumor, neither is it alarmist.
I was MJ's fans, that work to the theater saw The purpose of this concert, he is not to flaunt themselves, and not well-known because his masterly achievements and reflect the amount of the concert's theme namely said a word, I still remember in my heart profoundly, to be implemented in this path to people's lives go. Now I do not muse namely equitable a slogan to enhance environmental conservation, if namely equipment will not let others treatises tin be infected everyone around me, I wish know the harsh environment of the globe for everyone,as our planet, enhance , caring for the earth.

an active as grasslands and entertainment

Home in Savannah
Naqin home Nadam
lukewarm and watery from the Pacific monsoon, blowing from the southeast northwest, the Qilian Mountains stretching thousand kilometers, is it the west side of the planet's maximum extreme point. < br> matchless geographical situation and air, the formation of a great north-south Qilian Mountain Grassland, since archaic times, there is a lot of land of nomadic lives and breeds.
in the Qilian Mountains in Greece at Glasgow Gold Subei Mongolia grassland in Gansu Province are Autonomous County.
Graham King on July Xi is the harvest season grassland, Mongolian herders Naqin summer pastures to grasslands in Greece at the depths of Glasgow gold.
into alpine grassland steppe subei Two types of steppe and desert Gobi. hope at Glasgow Gold grasslands are owned by the latter, where the main Mongolian sheep herders to stocking.
shearing once a year for the herders, it is a quite important production processes. When shearing on the prairie when we all must help each other, which is thousands of years of tradition on the prairie.
Naqin home extra than a thousand sheep, today is the day of mowing, Bayaer Wilkie Road entire family to aid, the joy of harvest requires everyone to share.
anytime the prairie farm season, herders hold manifold sizes Nadam, which is the grasslands of the year event. < br> while the luncheon wreck, Naqin and Enkhbayar Dorji discuss organizing a household Naadam. 2 human to do a characteristic department of fatigue, Naqin responsible for the readiness, Enkhbayar Dorji responsible for notifying the herdsmen above the grassland beside.
herdsmen are said to build National Nature Reserve will soon be here, and not to graze a few years.
hope at Golden Prairie is situated in the Hexi Corridor in Glasgow choke points, the ancient Silk Road passed from here. That year, gold hope on the prairie at Glasgow horse vehicle between East and West played an important role. So, here's pastoral accent on the horseshoe has convert a institution.
In the grasslands, horseshoe is hung men have to master the craft.
as an essential component of human civilization, civilization is on horseback nomadic heritage. In a sense, the prairie is the history and article of the horse .
Naqin and Enkhbayar Dorji Master Temeng ancestors and the ancients, who in the nomadic grasslands of Inner Mongolia Hulunbeier the seventeenth centenary came beneath the Qilian Mountains.
several hundred years afterward, here The Mongols changed in many ways, such as rope horses in Inner Mongolia is not apparent.
traditional branding Malaysia and Indonesia remained the same. herders on the grasslands each family has a different neatness Ma Yin Zi, it is the emblem of the horse family, is an important part of horse mores.
branded horse is a nag of the ceremony and India.
Naqin engaged branded horses in India, when tens of miles away in A herdsman grazing brought abrupt news, the latest haunt of the wolf with their house a mini colt guess, would depart the wolf.
Naqin began to fret them, because his horses had left home several days, the horses, there are a mare to be produced soon.
Naqin hands down immediately drove the pickup to look for horses live.
in the Qilian Mountains, the vast Gobi desert steppe, the people making activities is limited, more constantly, wild animals singing protagonist here.
Qilian Mountains have their own wildlife edible necklace, as predators,shanghai escort, the wolf is in the altitude part of the food chain. common wolf ambition not impair the animal, unless it is a problem with the food chain.
black when Naqin not come behind.
Naqin Pakistan Joyner wife was worried, she panics not only Naqin, but also a horse mare is in the near future produce.
because the father did not come back, Naqin's son has been calling.
Enkhbayar Dorji's wife, Yan Na flowers to Pakistan Joyner accompany.
Naqin spent the night in the automobile, and he has not sleep a wink.
next morning, Naqin persist to look in his horses.
Naqin base an harmed savage ass, he resolved to to catch up to look what happens.
ass commonly live in higher elevations, strong physique and the ability to run hasty,while you ascertain the piglet team, production wild ass is not simple to abuse at other animals.
Naqin judgments based on experience, This is the first wild ass is bitten by a wolf.
generally pastoralists who do not need apt look by horses namely tube, they are wandering the grasslands of the shuttle itself, away as a few days, alternatively even ten days, which namely likewise a traditional habit.
wolf, if I were you the emergence of the Naqin busy organizing Nadam also attend to his horses.
noon Naqin the horses finally found, but the horse is about to produce mare is not in the horses in the.
horses walking by the road, Naqin has rotated over two mountain ridge.
mare has given birth to a foal, horses are also a tread above all separated from the guard on the side.
first place is the king of horses, and the mighty first place horses have prevailed the care of horses, with first place in the wolf is not lightly available.
Naqin finally put the heart down, he wanted to work home instantly, Naadam held tomorrow.
for grazing in the Xia Jimu field, there is no mobile phone signal, it has no course Naqin two days and at home to contact. not to mention his wife concerns, do not know Enkhbayar Dorji not have the right to host the news that Chief of Army Staff to the herdsmen, not to mention Nadam not ample preparation.
remove light brights on the golden grasslands of Greece at Glasgow ,beijing escort, Naqin family Naadam is from now on begin, people busy with intense but orderly.
Naqin, Enkhbayar Dorji and their families are put on the Mongolian robes.
from early in the a.m., pastoralists were riding behind dissimilar arrived at the Naqin home. because this is the hope at Glasgow this year the first gold grasslands Naadam, the shire seat of many of the people sitting in cars driven over.
Today, Subei Mongolian County live in more than four thousand Mongols, with the passageway of period, their life is suffering change, they more and more consideration to traditional things.
said Nadam has a history of thousand years, originated in the Mongolian Plateau.
Naadam, an athletic for grasslands and entertainment, the 1st in spontaneous circulating amid the nomads.
said, to the Genghis Khan epoch, the starting of systematized Nadam regular, then Nadam been given a current averaging. horse racing, wrestling and archery as the cardinal content of Naadam, the sense of all this is not simply a amusements rivalry, or even have a marathon and the pageant of colors.
at Naadam, the horse has some form of differ family Nadam today Naqin chiefly horse race, which is today's main event, Naqin arrived ahead of the end.
Naqin a kind of characters to activity today,shenzhen massage, both the owner and the moderator, or the end of the log member, but he was careful.
pastoralists Jiri Zaohong Ma Graham and his crossed the achieve line first.
intense in the marathon when Enkhbayar Dorji is organizing a wrestling mate. < br> Mongolian-style wrestling is shrieked , action is also not up to standard, but everyone is remedied seriously.
hope for gold at Glasgow on the prairie people, today to attend the Naqin home Nadam, amount is not the medal. because the state Since the establishment of nature keeps,shanghai massage, entire of the herders have to migrate to other areas, tin together do not know whether to open the Festival is a.
Subei prairie today, many herdsmen have been settled, even in the City in their own house. the so-called nomadic, it is only when the early summer each year, only to the depths of the grassland grazing pastures up, perch back in the late autumn the place.
Naqin the end of the house Nadam , the move has started.
due to the establishment of nature reserves, Naqin do not know, this is not the last to move from their summer pastures.
Naqin and Enkhbayar Dorji were either sitting attach, the two of them discuss, in circumstance of defended areas was set up in what they are doing.
Qilian Mountains of China, is an important mountain. historical geographers that the Qilian Mountains is the hero backward the scenes.
Pastoral sang the age song:
Wu Ma, Hu Yan Ma
put away the mountain (Qilian lines) scampering under the snow, sand sole
run Look East facing west toward the road cries
lost, lost
sunset hh
infinity edge grass

universal carbon dioxide emissions doubled. the globe namely facing a water emergency in numerous c

Windy outdoor, days dizzy and fatigued, and fraught with dirt savor,beijing massage, a mini choking. A strong air, the gate opened. I quickly ran to shut his jaws pronouncing this curse climate. Back to the moment that by the wind from the fourth grade science textbooks, to look the directory at my eighth course, April 22 is Earth Day while you engage in an movement. hey! forgot entire about it. Today's wind is not in the hh
you forget to prompt me, I forgot, ecology does not forget hh
4 22 is Earth Day, the theme of this year to make sure Park schools held workshops on environmental issues, and the following year on April 22 as throughout the United States fired a large-scale community-based activities, characteristic motifs, and with the enthusiastic aid of many juvenile students on April 22 .1970, the United States held the first heavy million people took part, was known as the United States since World War II, the largest social activities.
1990 年 4 22, more than 140 countries nigh the world, 2 billion human around the same time held a variety of promotional activities, topic is how to cultivate the overall universal environment. The event brought folk to more apparently comprehend namely perennial development for the global manufacture, the havoc of the ozone membrane, and the resulting changes in global climate anomalies, is a direct threat to human survival international problem. The activities of the United Nations permission, afterward which the 22 April each year was identified as the freshwater pollution. According to UN diagrams unlocked show that the 20th century, 90 years of global jungle space at one average annual 2.4% rate slit in the elapse 10 years, the global vanish of total forest place of ​​9,400 hectares. At present nearly half of the land surface and 10 more than a billion people affected by desertification. in climate pollution, from 1965 to 1998, global carbon dioxide emissions doubled. the world is facing a water emergency in numerous countries: 12 million people with water deficits, 3000000000 people absence water sanitation facilities each year 3000000-400 million people die of water-related diseases. By 2025, the water crisis will spread to 48 countries, 35 million are trapped in the water.
Earth Day activities organized apt heave human caring as the world, defend the homeland awareness, subserve the coordinated evolution of resource evolution and environmental conservation. the age of 90 from the 20th century, the year April 22 Earth Day festivals were held ashore Earth Day in the context
the environment of increasingly serious pollution generated. It was first star by the Wisconsin Democratic Senator Naerxunti
out, and eventually will be the premier is a student at Harvard Hayes. This daytime,
more than 2,000 people nationwide, 10,000 basic and secondary schools,beijing massage, 2,beijing escort,your voice namely so beautiful,000 campuses and universities and 2,000 community and important teams heeded the event. It
along holding rallies, ***, preaching and other forms of promotional activities,beijing escort, shrieked on everyone to act to protect and save our planet
. This is the first period in human history, large-scale hunk Environmental Protection manoeuvre. The accident was a excellent success every annual